Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Head vs Heart

Why do I bother with some people? I try and try but get nothing in return. Should I give up?

I'm so confused about a certain situation at the moment. I keep being lead on to be dropped again. It makes me feel so insignificant and small. It seems like they only talk to me when it is 'good' for them or if they think they're going to gain something from talking to me. It is beginning to piss me off now and its really upsetting me. Why tell me that you'll speak to me very soon and let a week pass without talking to me. I don't get it. Its not like I've not tried to speak to you. I always end up feeling like a fool when you don't reply. I'm not one to regret things but at the moment its all I seem to be doing :(

I can't even talk to anyone about it because they think what is going on now ended last month. This makes it all the more difficult because I cant ask anyone for advise. My heart is ruling my head at the moment and I need to turn it around or I'm going to get really hurt. I'm already hurting and I don't think I could deal with anymore of it. I just wish I could talk to someone about it!

Part of me wants to forget this person but part of me doesn't. It's so hard and I ask myself everyday why I'm putting myself through this? I need to let my head take charge and ignore what my heart is telling me. Otherwise, I'll never get myself out of this dip in my life.

I'm to blog about how I get on tomorrow with the whole letting my head take charge over my heart. It might make it easier for me to stick to it and not give in to my heart. In fact, I promise to blog about it because then I'll have no choice because I hate breaking promises.

looby-loo x

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