Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Tumblr is a social networking site which I go on nearly every day. I've had my tumblr blog for around two years I think. I don't use it as a blog for writing but more for the pictures, quotes and photography. Even though I only ever reblog these things, it still counts as a blog because you are expressing how you feel but just in a different way. I also reblog things that I enjoy, for example if there is a gif of a tv show I like (e.g. friends) I will reblog it if it is referring to a funny line in the show. It might seem sad but I actually find it therapeutic sometimes. For instance, if I'm in a shit mood then I know there will always be something on tumblr to make me laugh or smile, whether that is a picture, other users having a funny conversation, gifs or even quotes. I will even save pictures that I really like and have them on shuffle for my desktop background on my laptop. I also get some printed online so I can put them on my bedroom wall. And nearly every blogger that I follow, I've never met in real life which to me is great because you reblog whatever you want without people questioning it the next day to you.

You never know what to expect on tumblr and that's what I love about it.

looby-loo x

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